
In this section, we present how to use the functions and objects provided by Eophis with coding examples.


For a better understanding of the Eophis abstraction environment, please read the Concepts section.

The presented examples rely on the Write and Couple test case provided with the library in the Github repository and described in the Tests section. Keep in mind that this is not a tutorial for the test case. It is used to illustrate the documentation.

Eophis Environment

Eophis package must be imported before anything else with the following command:

# -
import eophis

This automatically creates the log files eophis.out and eophis.err. The latter is left empty while the first one is filled with informations about Eophis version, dependencies and Python implementation.

cat eophis.out
|    CNRS - IGE - MEOM Team   |
|           ------            |
|     EOPHIS 0.9.1 (2024)     |
Main packages used:
Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.10.4
IPython version      : 7.32.0

mpi4py: 3.1.5
f90nml: 1.4.4
numpy : 1.26.4

  Coupling Initialization
  Checking up OASIS namelists...
      namcouple not found, looking for reference file namcouple_ref
      namcouple_ref not found either, creating it from scratch
  Reading namcouple

Note the few lines about Coupling Initialization. When Eophis starts, it automatically looks for the OASIS coupling namelist namcouple to read its content.

Several scenarios may occur:
  • namcouple exists alone: it is read and copied as namcouple_ref for original footprint

  • namcouple does not exist but namcouple_ref does: namcouple_ref is copied as namcouple, then read

  • both files exist: namcouple is read

  • both files does not exist: Eophis creates an empty namcouple and reads it

A last scenario is if namcouple exists but is stored elsewhere. Indeed, default reading phase considers that the namelists to look for are stored in the execution directory. To read a coupling namelist stored in another directory, reading of namcouple must be done with:

import eophis
# namcouple file is not found and is initialized from scratch

namcouple_input_path = '/PATH/TO/REMOTE/namcouple'
namcouple_output_path = '/PATH/WHERE/TO/OUTPUT/NAMCOUPLE/LATER/OR/NOT/namcouple'

eophis.init_namcouple( namcouple_input_path, namcouple_output_path )

# Eophis is now working with content of remote namcouple.

Note that this is eophis.init_namcouple() with execution directory as arguments that is called at the start of Eophis. Thoses features allow the user to write himself the coupling namelist.

See also

Let’s say that the user expects to deploy a Python model within an ocean model that is also coupled with an atmosphere model with OASIS. Since only one coupling namelist is required by OASIS to perform all the exchanges, the user may bring namcouple in the execution directory with pre-written informations about the ocean/atmosphere coupling and use Eophis to complete it with the Python coupling informations. Original namcouple will be saved under namcouple_ref.

If the user does not know about namcouple or does not wish to write it, the default case keeps the creation of the OASIS namelist straightforward.


To write messages in the log files, use the following commands:'Hello World, my name is Eophis')
eophis.warning('Beware of negative numbers')
eophis.abort('ERROR with sst dimensions')

Note that eophis.abort() will also kill the execution. Here are the outputs:

cat eophis.out
|    CNRS - IGE - MEOM Team   |
|           ------            |
|     EOPHIS 0.9.1 (2024)     |
Main packages used:
Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.10.4
IPython version      : 7.32.0

mpi4py: 3.1.5
f90nml: 1.4.4
numpy : 1.26.4

  Coupling Initialization
  Checking up OASIS namelists...
      namcouple not found, looking for reference file namcouple_ref
      namcouple_ref not found either, creating it from scratch
  Reading namcouple

Hello World, my name is Eophis

Warning raised by rank 0 ! See error log for details

RUN ABORTED by rank 0 see error log for details
cat eophis.err
WARNING [RANK:0] from /PATH/TO/SCRIPT/DIR/ at line 4:   Beware of negative numbers
ERROR [RANK:0] from /PATH/TO/SCRIPT/DIR/ at line 5:   ERROR with sst dimensions

Import Models

Hereunder is the Model add_100() written in with the correct requisites described in the Concepts section.

# -
import numpy as np

#             Utils            #
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
def Is_None(*inputs):
    """ Test presence of at least one None in inputs """
    return any(item is None for item in inputs)

# ============================ #
#          Add Hundred         #
# ============================ #
def add_100(field):
    """ Trivially add 100 to field (numpy.ndarray) """
    if Is_None(field):
        return None
        return np.add(field,100)

Import a Model to be used by Eophis is of course straightforward.

# -
from models import add_100


Eophis can be used in preproduction or production mode which have different purposes.

  • Preproduction mode enables namelists editing. It corresponds to a stage where the coupling material needs to be configured. OASIS initialization is disabled in that mode.

  • Production mode freezes namelists in read-only. It corresponds to a stage where the coupling material is ready for execution. Editing tools can be used to check the correspondance between the content of the read namelists with the Tunnels defined in the Eophis script. OASIS may be initialized and coupling started only in that mode.

Switching mode is done with the following commands:



It is strongly recommended to execute two independent instances of Eophis if you plan to use both modes. Using editing tools and directly switching to production mode to start coupling means that the geoscientific code also started and read the namelists before or during editing. In this situation, each script potentially did not read the same informations, which could lead to hazardous results.

Structure of shows an example of separated instructions based on the selected mode.

import eophis

def preproduction():
    # [...]

def production():
    # [...]

if __name__=='__main__':

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--exec', dest='exec', type=str, default='prod', help='Execution type: preprod or prod')
    args = parser.parse_args()


    if args.exec == 'preprod':
    elif args.exec == 'prod':
        eophis.abort(f'Unknown execution mode {args.exec}, use "preprod" or "prod"')

Read Fortran Namelist

Fortran namelists may be read both in preproduction and production modes. Hereunder is the content of earth_namelist with which our surrogate geoscientific model will perform the simulation.

cat earth_namelist
&namrun        !   parameters of the run
   nn_it000      =    1    !  first time step
   nn_itend      =    2000 !  last  time step
&namdom        !   time and space domain
   rn_Dt       =    1200. ! time step value

We wish to know the total simulation time in too. We instantiate a FortranNamelist and read the values of nn_it000, nn_itend and rn_Dt as follows:

earth_nml = eophis.FortranNamelist('~/PATH/TO/earth_namelist')
step, it_end, it_0 = earth_nml.get('rn_dt','nn_itend','nn_it000')
total_time = (it_end - it_0 + 1) * step

Note that the FortranNamelist.get() method is not sensitive to the letter case.


A Grid may be created both in preproduction and production modes.

In this version, Grid is a simple tuple containing:
  • the number of global longitude points

  • the number of global latitude points

  • an unused integer (for now)

  • an unused integer (for now)

The fields exchanged with “Fake Earth” are discretized on grids that all have the same longitude and latitude points, 720 and 603 respectively. Only one Grid is needed here:

my_grid = (720,603,0,0)

This size corresponds to the 2D size of an eORCA05 grid that is commonly used for global ocean circulation. It is pre-registered in Eophis and can be imported with:

from eophis import Grids

my_grid = Grids.eORCA05
(720, 603, 0, 0)

Check out the eophis.utils.params module described in the API section of this documentation fore more details about pre-registered Grids.


Tunnel arguments

A Tunnel may be created both in preproduction and production modes. Since the required arguments are many, it is easier to arrange them in a dictionary:

tunnel_args = { 'label' : '', \
                'grids' : {}, \
                'exchs' : [ {} ]
  • label is the name of the Tunnel

  • grids are the Grids that will be partionned by OASIS and on which fields could be exchanged

  • exchs is a list of parameters that described how the fields should be exchanged

In the previous section, we defined the Grid on which we wish to perform the coupling with “Fake Earth”, let’s use it in Tunnel:

from eophis import Grids

tunnel_args = { 'label' : 'TO_EARTH', \
                'grids' : { 'eORCA05' : Grids.eORCA05 }, \
                'exchs' : [ {} ]

Now, the Tunnel will be able to configure communications of fields discretized on the eORCA05 Grid.


More than one Grid may be associated to the Tunnel.

It now remains to define the exchanges. An exchange is characterized by:

  • a frequency expressed in seconds: { 'freq' : }

  • a grid on which it occurs: { 'grd' :  }

  • the grid depth: { 'lvl' :  }

  • named received fields: { 'in' : [] }

  • named sent fields: { 'out' : [] }

exch_1 = {'freq' : 150 , 'grd' : 'geo_grid' , 'lvl' : 5, 'in' : ['f0'], 'out' : ['f1','f2']}

In the above example, the line may be read as:

exch_1 executes every 150 seconds, the receiving of field f0 and the sending back of fields f1, f2 on the first 5 levels of grid geo_grid.

A Tunnel can handle exchanges with different options, that’s why it takes a list as argument. In accordance with the write_and_couple test case, we finally have the complete Tunnel arguments:

from eophis import Grids, Freqs

tunnel_args = { 'label' : 'TO_EARTH', \
              'grids' : { 'eORCA05' : Grids.eORCA05 }, \
              'exchs' : [ {'freq' :        3600,  'grd' : 'eORCA05', 'lvl' : 1, 'in' : ['sst'], 'out' : ['sst_var'] },  \
                          {'freq' : Freqs.DAILY,  'grd' : 'eORCA05', 'lvl' : 3, 'in' : ['svt'], 'out' : ['svt_var'] },  \
                          {'freq' : Freqs.STATIC, 'grd' : 'eORCA05', 'lvl' : 1, 'in' : ['msk'], 'out' : [] }]

Note here that we used pre-registered frequency values. Check out the eophis.utils.params module described in the API section of this documentation fore more details about pre-registered Frequencies.

Tunnel Registration

Although direct instantiation of a Tunnel with the class constructor is possible, it is yet not recommended. Indeed, the creation of a Tunnel does not configure the OASIS entities wrapped inside. This can be done only once OASIS is initialized and requires a good knowledge of the coupling and parallel environment.

It is more convenient to use the Tunnel registration interface eophis.register_tunnels(). In addition to Tunnel instantiation, it generates the namcouple content required for the OASIS entities encapsulated in the Tunnel. Moreover, it allows Eophis to be aware of the Tunnel and to configure it automatically.

Registration takes the same arguments as the Tunnel constructor except that they must be gathered as a list item. This way, it is possible to register several Tunnels in one call. It is also convenient to scatter the exchanges. For example: a Tunnel for the regular exchanges and a Tunnel for the static exchanges:

from eophis import Freqs, Grids

# empty Tunnel config list
tunnel_config = list()

# Tunnel for the regular exchanges
tunnel_config.append( { 'label' : 'TO_EARTH', \
                        'grids' : { 'eORCA05' : Grids.eORCA05 }, \
                        'exchs' : [ {'freq' :        3600,  'grd' : 'eORCA05', 'lvl' : 1, 'in' : ['sst'], 'out' : ['sst_var'] }, \
                                    {'freq' : Freqs.DAILY,  'grd' : 'eORCA05', 'lvl' : 3, 'in' : ['svt'], 'out' : ['svt_var'] }] }

# Tunnel for the static exchange
tunnel_config.append( { 'label' : 'TO_EARTH_METRIC', \
                        'grids' : { 'eORCA05' : Grids.eORCA05}, \
                        'exchs' : [ {'freq' : Freqs.STATIC, 'grd' : 'eORCA05', 'lvl' : 1, 'in' : ['msk'], 'out' : []} ] }

# Register Tunnels
earth, earth_metrics = eophis.register_tunnels( tunnel_config )

Assemble a Loop and a Router

Loop is not a class that can be instantiated but a pre-defined function that emulates time advancement. It takes the time step value and the number of iterations as arguments, and a Tunnel whose methods will be automatically used to orchestrate exchanges in time.

For instance, only one Loop is available in Eophis. It is named all_in_all_out since it performs all the Tunnel receptions at the beginning of the time step and all the sendings at the end. With the earth Tunnel defined earlier and the temporal informations obtained in earth_namelist, we can create the Loop as follows:

niter = it_end - it_0 + 1
@eophis.all_in_all_out(earth_system=earth, step=step, niter=niter)

Router is an empty function that is embedded within the Loop between the reception and the sending phases. Inside the Loop, it receives all the fields obtained during the reception phase and is expected to return all the fields required for the sending back phase. An empty Router assembled with a Loop has the following structure:

@eophis.all_in_all_out(earth_system=earth, step=step, niter=niter)
def loop_core(**inputs):
    outputs = {}
    # ...
    return outputs
  • inputs is a dictionnary whose keys are the names of all the non-static fields identified as in in the earth Tunnel exchanges. Corresponding values are the fields received through the Tunnel.

  • outputs is a dictionnary whose keys must be the names of all the non-static fields identified as out in the earth Tunnel exchanges. Values must be the fields to send back through the Tunnel.

In other words, Router delivers all the Tunnel received fields in inputs. User is free to send them towards the imported Models and builds the outputs content. For the test case of this documentation, the Router is:

@eophis.all_in_all_out(earth_system=earth, step=step, niter=niter)
def loop_core(**inputs):
    outputs = {}
    outputs['sst_var'] = add_100(inputs['sst'])
    outputs['svt_var'] = add_100(inputs['svt'])
    return outputs

Router content may be more complex but it is recommended to do the extra operations in the imported Models and keep the “y = f(x)” like structure inside the Router.


At times that do not match a field frequency, the value in inputs corresponding to the field name is None if the field is an in field. If it is an out field, the corresponding returned value in outputs must be None.

If the Model has been correctly interfaced, those points do not need to be handled.

Preproduction Mode

At this point, we have a Tunnel that gathers all informations to perform exchanges of coupled fields with “Fake Earth” and a Model with a correct I/O interface. Both are linked with a Router and automated in time with a Loop. The pipeline is ready to be used but we still need to edit the namelists.


Edit Namelists

OASIS namcouple

Edit OASIS namelist namcouple is quite straightforward. During the preproduction mode, register a Tunnel with eophis.register_tunnels() automatically updates the content of namcouple that Eophis read at initialization. While not explicitely asked, this updated content only exists in Eophis memory and is not written in files.

In case of a wrong Tunnel registration, it is possible to reset the in-memory namcouple content with:


A difference is to keep in mind between eophis.close_tunnels() and eophis.init_namcouple(). The latter reset the content with a new file while the first one reset the content with the same file specified at initialization.

Once all Tunnels have been registered. The command to write the updated OASIS namelist is:

eophis.write_coupling_namelist( simulation_time=total_time )

Total simulation time is required by the OASIS namelist and is passed as argument here from the informations obtained in earth_namelist. If everything went well, a new namcouple file has been created.

cat namcouple
############# MODIFIED BY EOPHIS ###############
1 0
# ======= Tunnel TO_EARTH =======
# Earth -- sst --> Models
E_OUT_0 M_IN_0 1 3600 0 EXPORTED
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2
# Earth <-- sst_var -- Models
M_OUT_0 E_IN_0 1 3600 0 EXPORTED
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2
# Earth -- svt --> Models
E_OUT_1 M_IN_1 1 86400 0 EXPORTED
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2
# Earth <-- svt_var -- Models
M_OUT_1 E_IN_1 1 86400 0 EXPORTED
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2
# ======= Tunnel TO_EARTH_METRIC =======
# Earth -- msk --> Models
E_OUT_2 M_IN_2 1 2424000 0 EXPORTED
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2

Without going in the details, just note the header that indicates that Eophis worked here and the comments added to identify which sections correspond to which exchanges and Tunnels.

At this point, everything is ready for OASIS. For curious or OASIS initiated users, a last editing functionality is available. In a namcouple section, like:

# Earth -- sst --> Models
E_OUT_0 M_IN_0 1 3600 0 EXPORTED
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2

the two first terms are aliases that OASIS uses to perform the communications. sst is manipulated by OASIS under the name E_OUT_0 from the “Fake Earth” side and under M_IN_0 from the Python side. Those aliases have been set by default during Tunnel registration.

In Eophis, it does not matter to know these aliases since every OASIS actions are wrapped. On the contrary, it might do from the geoscientific side to setup the coupling, depending on the OASIS implementation.

  • A first solution is to check the log file eophis.out in which aliases are summarized each time a Tunnel is registered.

cat eophis.out
-------- Tunnel TO_EARTH registered --------
  namcouple variable names
    Earth side:
      - sst -> E_OUT_0
      - sst_var -> E_IN_0
      - svt -> E_OUT_1
      - svt_var -> E_IN_1
    Models side:
      - sst -> M_IN_0
      - sst_var -> M_OUT_0
      - svt -> M_IN_1
      - svt_var -> M_OUT_1
-------- Tunnel TO_EARTH_METRIC registered --------
  namcouple variable names
    Earth side:
      - msk -> E_OUT_2
    Models side:
      - msk -> M_IN_2
  • A second solution is to specify user-defined aliases corresponding to those used in the physical code. This can be done with two optional Tunnel arguments geo_aliases and py_aliases. Both are dictionnaries that associate an alias to the fields names defined in Tunnel for the Earth side and the Model side, respectively. For example:

# Configurate a Tunnel for the regular exchanges
tunnel_config.append( { 'label'      : 'TO_EARTH', \
                        'grids'      : { 'eORCA05' : Grids.eORCA05}, \
                        'exchs'      : [ {'freq' :        3600,  'grd' : 'eORCA05', 'lvl' : 1, 'in' : ['sst'], 'out' : ['sst_var'] },  \
                                         {'freq' : Freqs.DAILY,  'grd' : 'eORCA05', 'lvl' : 3, 'in' : ['svt'], 'out' : ['svt_var'] }], \
                        'geo_aliases' : { 'sst' : 'EAR_SST', 'svt' : 'EAR_TEMP', 'sst_var' : 'EAR_SSTV', 'svt_var' : 'EARTEMPV'},  \
                        'py_aliases'  : { 'sst' : 'EOP_SST', 'svt' : 'EOP_TEMP', 'sst_var' : 'EOP_SSTV', 'svt_var' : 'EOPTEMPV'}   }

It is of course possible to use only one of these optional arguments and Eophis will complete the missing aliases automatically. After registration and writing, namcouple content is now:

cat namcouple
############# MODIFIED BY EOPHIS ###############
1 0
# ======= Tunnel TO_EARTH =======
# Earth -- sst --> Models
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2
# Earth <-- sst_var -- Models
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2
# Earth -- svt --> Models
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2
# Earth <-- svt_var -- Models
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2
# ======= Tunnel TO_EARTH_METRIC =======
# Earth -- msk --> Models
E_OUT_0 M_IN_0 1 2424000 0 EXPORTED
720 603 720 603 eORCA05 eORCA05 LAG=0
P 2 P 2


Eophis never overwrites namcouple. If you made mistakes and want to edit it again, be sure to remove namcouple if it has the header ############# MODIFIED BY EOPHIS ############### or you will have both the wrong and the corrected contents written in namcouple.

Fortran Namelist

Planned for next releases

Production Mode

At this point, we consider that the coupling material and objects are all well configured. We describe now the functionalities to execute the coupling itself.


In this mode, Tunnel registration is still required and will check the consistency between namcouple and the arguments used to define the Tunnels. If the Tunnel and namcouple content do not match, an error will be raised with details on what was expected and what was read.

Init coupling

To initialize the OASIS environement, run:


Coupling is now effective and exchanges may be executed by OASIS and the Tunnels.


To be coupled with OASIS, the Eophis script and the geoscientific code should be launched on the same MPI execution:

mpirun -np 3 python3 ./ : mpirun -np 2 python3 ./

In this example, is running on three processes and on two.

Calling eophis.open_tunnels() while Eophis is executed lonely will lead to an error.

To terminate the OASIS environment, use:



eophis.close_tunnels() is automatically called when Eophis execution terminates.

Static Exchanges

The sending or the reception of a field defined in an exchange whose frequency is Freqs.STATIC are done directly with the Tunnel methods. Received and sent fields always have three dimensions corresponding to the local paritioned grid longitude, latitude and depth on which the exchange has been defined, respectively. An error will be raised if sizes do not match.

Static reception of msk with the Tunnel earth_metrics is done with:

my_mask = earth_metrics.receive('msk')
# should print (720,603,1) if executed on one process

This also writes a message in the log file:

tail -n 1 eophis.out
-!- Static receive of msk through tunnel TO_EARTH_METRIC

If msk would have been defined in an out exchange, the Tunnel method to send it would have been:

import numpy as np

# filling my_mask assuming execution on an unique process
my_mask = np.arange(720*603).reshape(720,603,1)

Remember that static exchanges can be performed only once and are ignored in Loop. Send or receive a static field already sent or received will be ignored or return None (/!\) with a warning message. Use the above Tunnel methods with fields defined in a non-static exchange will be ignored or return None.

Use a Tunnel with only static exchanges as argument for a Loop will do nothing.


A static exchange has no reality for OASIS. The field associated with msk is sent from the geoscientific side with the OASIS API as any other field. In practice, the frequency value written in namcouple for a static field is equal to the final simulation time. This way, OASIS allows to perform the exchange only at time zero.

Regular Exchanges

Sending and receiving fields defined in non-static exchanges are automatically done by the Loop. Remember that a Loop won’t start if all the static exchanges of all created Tunnels have not been performed before.


Above function tests if this condition is fulfilled. It is automatically called by the Loop before starting time emulation. Starting a Loop is done with the following command with the Router function as argument:


Once Loop started, it fills eophis.out log file with informations about time emulation and realized exchanges. Here are some interesting samples:

cat eophis.out
# [...]
-------------------- RUN LOOP ----------------------
Number of iterations : 2000
Time step : 1200.0s -- 0:20:00
Total Time : 2400000.0s -- 27 days, 18:40:00

Modeling routine: ...TO BE COMPLETED...

Iteration 1: 0s -- 0:00:00
   Treating sst, svt received through tunnel TO_EARTH
   Sending back sst_var, svt_var through tunnel TO_EARTH
Iteration 4: 3600s -- 1:00:00
   Treating sst received through tunnel TO_EARTH
   Sending back sst_var through tunnel TO_EARTH
# [...]
Iteration 1942: 2329200s -- 26 days, 23:00:00
   Treating sst received through tunnel TO_EARTH
   Sending back sst_var through tunnel TO_EARTH
Iteration 1945: 2332800s -- 27 days, 0:00:00
   Treating sst, svt received through tunnel TO_EARTH
   Sending back sst_var, svt_var through tunnel TO_EARTH
Iteration 1948: 2336400s -- 27 days, 1:00:00
   Treating sst received through tunnel TO_EARTH
   Sending back sst_var through tunnel TO_EARTH
# [...]
Iteration 1996: 2394000s -- 27 days, 17:00:00
   Treating sst received through tunnel TO_EARTH
   Sending back sst_var through tunnel TO_EARTH
Iteration 1999: 2397600s -- 27 days, 18:00:00
   Treating sst received through tunnel TO_EARTH
   Sending back sst_var through tunnel TO_EARTH
------------------- END OF LOOP -------------------

  Closing tunnels

EOPHIS run finished

Note the beginning of Loop with informations about time emulation and the end with termination messages. Informations are also given about performed exchanges at different moments with sst, sst_var, svt and svt_var exchanged with the correct frequencies. At last, iterations at which no exchanges occur are skipped.